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Track and Trace your honey with our QR codes

1 minutes

We understand how important it is to know where your food comes from. 

That’s why we allow you to track your jars of honey right back to the location it was harvested, the batch number, and the laboratory report of our honeys TA rating.

Simply scan the QR code on the top of our honey jars.

With this QR Track and Trace system, you can rest assured that our honey jars are authentic, pure, high quality WA honey that has not been adulterated in any way.

Laboratory Tested

Our honeys are independently verified by accredited laboratories to guarantee our honey is authentic, pure, and the best quality. These certificates are available to view by scanning our QR codes.

What does TA and MGO mean?

TA – Jarrah Honey can be tested for it’s bacteria killing scale (phenol) – total antibacterial (TA) activity. This is recognised by a symbol that includes a number to determine antimicrobial strength. The TA scale goes up to 40.

MGO – MGO stands for methylglyoxal, the naturally occurring compound that makes Manuka honey so special. MGO is formed in the honey from Manuka nectar. As the honey ripens, the MCO content can increase.

From Bush to Bowl