January is a month synonymous with positive change.
As we reach the beginnings of a brand-new year, it’s the time to take inventory and create some healthier habits for the twelve months ahead. And especially after a decadent and over-indulgent December period, our health and wellbeing are particular areas of our lives that come under scrutiny. Could honey be the answer to a healthier year ahead?
Benefits of pure honey
Honey is a superfood
A completely natural product crafted by bees, it is a sweet and sticky substance rich in health-boosting nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Like most nutritious fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts, pure honey is an antioxidant powerhouse, full of antioxidants called polyphenols and flavonoids. Adding in pure honey to form a polyphenol-rich diet can help lower your risk of developing future health issues such as diabetes, blood clots and some cancers, and higher amounts of flavonoids in your diet can help reduce the effects of aging and improve cardiovascular health.
Honey is a great replacement for sugar
As a replacement for refined sugar, adding honey as a natural sweetener can also be a smart strategy stable blood sugar and aid weight loss. With a lower glycaemic index than sugar, honey has a much milder impact on blood sugar and is a great way to add sweetness without playing havoc with insulin levels. If you can regularly replace processed sugary treats with a natural product like honey, you will also help reduce future health complications including higher risk of diabetes, obesity, and coronary heart disease.
But why buy pure honey?
But honey is a food source that is regularly manipulated; in fact, it is the third most adulterated product across the world. This means, sugar, water, additives are regularly added into honey, negating its natural health benefits. To ensure that you’re getting the very best results from your honey, check that your provider is supplying completely pure honey with no additives, like our pure, and unadulterated West Australian honey range here at The House of Honey.
Western Australian honey
Western Australia bushland has some of the highest antimicrobial and antibacterial activity in the world, which can be found in various honeys sourced from the state due to a naturally occurring enzyme – glucose oxidase – which acts as an antimicrobial barrier. When looking for a honey that will support your health, these are the ones to go for. At The House of Honey, we lab test and certify all our honeys for their microbial content, reflected in a TA (Total Activity) value; great health honeys will rank on this scale.
Jarrah Honey
Jarrah is a particularly prized Western Australian honey amongst beekeepers and naturally high in TA. It is its unique combination of antioxidants, lower glucose content and high microbial activity that make it highly coveted across the world. We are proud to stock Jarrah honey in both TA 20 + and TA 30 + varieties. Western Australia is also a proudly a pest and disease-free state, meaning our honeys are resolutely chemical and pesticide free. No other nasties are included in our jars – just pure honey!

Other bee produce
Honey isn’t the only super-substance produced by our incredible bee friends; pollen, propolis and royal jelly are products that also can have a significant positive impact on your health.
A resinous mixture that honeybees produce from beeswax and residue from sap-bearing trees. It is known to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal qualities, so is often found in health remedies.
Bee pollen
Having been in the spotlight in recent years, word is spreading of bee pollen's nutrient-rich and anti-inflammatory nature. It contains protein, fatty acids, and polyphenols, contains over 16 crucial amino acids. It is also thought to increase energy levels, zest, physical endurance, so is a useful food stuff to help boost immunity and overall feelings of wellness.
Royal Jelly
A milky substance created by nurse bees to feed their baby brood, Royal Jelly a complex nutrient comprised of 18 amino acids, 16 vitamins, minerals, and other organic compounds. It is also the vital ingredient that triggers the development of Queen Bee morphology – providing her with fertile ovaries and a lengthy life and is utilised in both beauty products as well health remedies. So, if 2024 is the year for your glow up, Royal Jelly might just be the supplement for you. Combine these bee products and you are guaranteed to notice a positive impact on your health this year.
Eating pure honey in 2024
Sourcing your honey products from a reputable beekeeper is the best way that you can consume honey in 2024. Buying from the source means you can be confident that your honey is pure, unadulterated, and unpasteurised – vital components to maximise the health values of your honey. And if you source from a reputable Western Australian beekeeper, like us here at The House of Honey, you can be sure that your honey is not only at its finest and purest quality, but also chemical and pesticide free.