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School Excursions

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An educational morning teaching the important role of bees in Australia, pollination, and how the hive works.

What we cover:

  • Presentation on bees including beehive and beekeeper's suit demonstrations - no bees involved
  • Importance of bees and who is in the hive
  • How bees assist in food pollination
  • Transporting bees
  • Communication of bees, waggle dance example
  • Tasting honey experience
  • View the observation hive, see the worker bee, drone, and queen at work
  • Q&A with prizes
  • Handmade beeswax candle rolling activity - for students to take home

The students will leave with an education on why honeys taste different, how bees communicate, who is in the hive, how bees pollinate, and how important bees are to the world.

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